As part of a weekend with friends from near and far I took everyone to one of my favorite local tide pool spots -
Malibu Lagoon State Beach. It had rained for days (very uncommon right now) but the skies cleared up just enough for us to get some sun and take a look around.
I like this spot because it's easy to get to (there is a parking lot and restrooms nearby) and you can usually see some interesting tide pool life and a variety of birds throughout the year.
This time, with all the rains the tide was much higher than expected so we didn't see the usual tide pool creatures but there were plenty of interesting birds and some unexpected items washed up on the beach. In all my years of tide pooling (over 10) I'd never seen any of these before - wasn't even sure what one of them was!
It was really great to share an afternoon at the beach with these fabulous women.
Here's where we were:
And some photos from our visit:
Giant Keyhole Limpet - Megathura crenulata |
Sand Star (didn't know these existing before spotting this one) - Luidia foliolata |
Bubble Snail (first time seeing one!) - Bulla gouldiana |
Bubble Snail (first time seeing one!) - Bulla gouldiana |
Female Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator |
Group of Brown Pelicans - Pelecanus occidentalis |
Sheep Crab shell - Loxorhynchus grandis |
Sheep Crab shell - Loxorhynchus grandis |
I've been to this spot many times and always seem to find something new. Check out more of my photos
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