It had been a while since I visited the tide pools down in the Palos Verdes Peninsula so we decided to go to White Point. I read that the sulfur springs make things a bit interesting.
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According to
"At the turn of the century, this secluded cove was settled by immigrant fishermen who were attracted by the vast beds of abalone off the peninsula. Once the abalone were depleted, the discovery of a geothermal sulfur hot springs brought the development of an ocean-side health spa and resort to the area.
An earthquake in the 1930s all but closed off the springs, causing the resort's demise. The buildings eventually succumbed to the forces of nature and all that remains today are crumbling cement foundations and the ruins of the once lush sea-side garden patios and palm groves."
Although it was a bit crowded, we saw some really amazing things and it was my last tide pool trip with my friends V&T, the ones who had introduced me to tide pools in the first place, before they moved abroad. I couldn't believe how deep the fissures in the rock were and how much life each one contained. We even saw an elusive Spanish Shawl nudibranch sea slug! Unfortunately, it seemed to be sick or dying, but it was still beautiful. Here are some photos:

Spanish Shawl! (Flabellina iodinea)
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According to
"At the turn of the century, this secluded cove was settled by immigrant fishermen who were attracted by the vast beds of abalone off the peninsula. Once the abalone were depleted, the discovery of a geothermal sulfur hot springs brought the development of an ocean-side health spa and resort to the area.
An earthquake in the 1930s all but closed off the springs, causing the resort's demise. The buildings eventually succumbed to the forces of nature and all that remains today are crumbling cement foundations and the ruins of the once lush sea-side garden patios and palm groves."
Although it was a bit crowded, we saw some really amazing things and it was my last tide pool trip with my friends V&T, the ones who had introduced me to tide pools in the first place, before they moved abroad. I couldn't believe how deep the fissures in the rock were and how much life each one contained. We even saw an elusive Spanish Shawl nudibranch sea slug! Unfortunately, it seemed to be sick or dying, but it was still beautiful. Here are some photos:

My friend V told me all about nudibranchs when we first started going to the tide pools, but even though we'd looked every time, we'd never seen one. There are more than 3,000 described species of nudibranchs (!!) and they are some of the most brightly colored creatures on earth. Check out this photo gallery:
Just to give you an idea . . .

For more photos from this location see my album here.

For more photos from this location see my album here.
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